Saturday 12 January 2013

Turkish Eye

When trying to gain a little inspiration a few weeks ago, I decided to sift through various artefacts my Mum has collected over the years, of which there are plenty! One little symbol I came across time and time again was the Turkish Eye, Evil Eye or the Nazar Boncugu which literally translates to 'Evil Eye Bead'. This glass blue eye is believed to withhold protective powers that ward off evil spirits and protect the wearer from harm. In Turkey today people still attach this symbol to anything they believe could attract greed and envy, such as their cars, houses, their livestock, their businesses and their children.

During my own travels to turkey my friend who lives their bought me a beautiful silver bracelet with the eye design all around it. I thought I'd use this design to inspire a free-hand face paint in class. Here is what I came up with:

It was a very quick and simple design, using water based face paints and Illamasqua's liquid eye liners, 'Precision Ink' in colours Scribe and Glister.

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